Paul Sweeney Agronomy Ltd
The small print, condensed.
All recommendations for crops inspected are given on the following basis:
- Advice and recommendations should be taken in conjunction with the manufacturer's product label which should always be read.
- Specific recommendations are made in the light of crop conditions at the time of inspection and for implementation at the time specified. Further advice should be sought if conditions change or the time constraints cannot be complied with.
- Recommendations given should remain confidential to the client. The same recommendations should not be passed to another farmer or adviser as they are unlikely to be appropriate.
- Where recommended rates and/or tank-mixes differ from those of manufacturers, clients should understand that manufacturer's warranties are unlikely to be valid; such applications are made at the clientïs own risk.
- Recommendations are given on the understanding that clients and their staff are informed and competent not only in relation to standard operational practices but also Health & Safety procedures and occupational health guidelines. Product Safety Data Sheets should be read before use.
- Application equipment for seeds, plant protection products and fertilisers should be in full working order and calibrated for both application rate and spread pattern before use.
- The requirements for environmental protection and buffer zones may change and should be checked prior to application. All LERAP Category A and B products should be subject to a 5 metre buffer zone on all watercourses and ponds regardless of rate used. LERAP Category B products may have a narrower buffer zone provided that a written assessment is made prior to application.
- It is the clientïs responsibility to complete adequate crop records of all applications made.
- No specific guarantee is given that any recommendation conforms with current environmental and legal controls and Regulations or guidance contained in Codes of Good Agricultural Practice or Cross Compliance.
- The decision to implement the advice given rests with the client. If any doubt exists, clients should seek clarification beforehand.
A written copy of more detailed Terms and Conditions of Service is available on request.